Welcome to the website of the Good Hope Baptist Church, a historic church in King George, VA. We are a church family bound together with Christian love where hope is alive, forgiveness is possible and Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. At Good Hope, we strive to build the Lord's Church and advance the Kingdom of God by winning and disciplining souls and ministering to the needs of human kind in the name of Jesus Christ. We invite you to join us for worship and experience the presence of God with us. Thank you for visiting our website. Please visit again!
"Connect to God, Connect to Others & Connect Others to God"

Sunday Morning Service
9:00 a.m.
Sunday School/ Recess
Bible Study
Online every Wednesday @7:45 prayer Service
Journey Into Knowing Jesus
“Holy Communion ”
First Sundays
Join us as we celebrate the blessings of God in our newly rennovated sanctury with devotions 8:45 and service starting @9:00
Be a blessing and be blessed